
Services Overview

Our Next Generation Learning Services are all cloud-based, collaborative, mobile, just in time, customized and relevant education services and contents.


Our training offering is aware of today's collaboration trend and encourages you to participate, discuss, and work together with other students


Our mobile learning services allow you access anywhere, anytime to our learning contents and activities


Our offering goes beyond a standard course curricula. We aligned our learning services to your company objectives, helping you close the knowledge gap and optimizing your time and money investment


By understanding your organization objectives, we are able to align our learning programs to them, thus producing contents that are relevant for your business

Talent Gap Analysis

Our experts in training & technology will conduct a skill assessment of your staff and create a GAP Analysis report that will clearly identify the gaps between your current staff skills and the skill level required to maximize their performance. This Assessment report will also make specific recommendations targeted to maximize the training effort.

By using proven methodologies and aligning them with the industry's best practices, Ignite Knowledge can create a clear and specific learning map for your team that will maximize the ROI of your training investments.


The graphs shows the sample output of a Skills Assessment conducted to a Networking Specialist as well as a recommended learning map, according to the results and the objectives..